Houston Fitness Trainer

"What If You CAN Completely
Transform Your Body, Fit Into Your Favorite "Skinny Jeans",
Flatten & Tone Your Stomach, Hips And Thighs, And Feel

Amazing When You Step Out Of Your Shower And See

Yourself In The Mirror?

This #1 Body Transformation Expert And Over 400 Residents That He Has Trained Say YES You Can With His Break Through Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout!...


Dear Friend,

My Name is Patrick C. Nelson and I'm going to be really honest with you.

Despite what the fitness industry tries to mislead you to think, to get in the best shape of your life...

* You don't have to be on a strict diet.
* You don't have to ever step on a boring cardio machine
* You don't have to be born with perfect genetics

It’s a big fat lie.

And the reason why I know is because before the Flat Stomach workout was even thought of, I was in the gym but not getting the results I was looking for...

Here's why..

As I got older, my body started to change which made me start packing on the weight faster.

In the meantime, I was lifting weights, getting on the treadmill, trying different weight loss pills, powders, and programs but none of them seemed to stick.

As the time went by, it seemed as if my metabolism got slower and slower.

I could really tell in my clothes because they were getting snugger and that meant spending out more money on bigger clothes - I Was So Aggravated And In Denial!

But the last draw was when someone took some pics of me without a shirt on and when I seen the way that I looked I knew that I had to make a change.

I continued to stare a those pics and ask myself, "how am I going to be an example to others if I look this way?"

You see, I was personal training at the time, and I was pretty sad to see how much I had let myself go.

(Ya know the feeling right? When you know something has to change)

But then I came across my amazing Flat Stomach workout.
 A break through workout program that is so effective, so simple that anyone could do it...Including you.

In fact, I’m so confident that you’re going to quickly start to tone up, get in shape, and feel incredible in just one week, that I’m gonna let you try it for 30-days with a money back guarantee.

To start your Flat Stomach workout, just scroll past the testimonials and call the number below.

Check out some of my Body Transformations...

Calcasieu Parish

" I dropped two pants sizes off of my waist and lots of inches off the rest of my body! Thanks Patrick & Reality Fitness!"


                                                                                                                                       Calcasieu Parish

"With consistent fitness training and proper eating, I lost a whopping 72lbs!!!!! Now I'm feeling much better and smiling from ear to ear!!!!"



Calcasieu Parish

"I dropped an amazing 10lbs and 2 pants sizes in 6 weeks!!! 6 weeks later, I dropped an additional 9lbs! Thanks Reality Fitness!!!"


                                                                 Calcasieu Parish

"When I started working out with Reality Fitness, I weighed in at 294lbs and I lost an amazing 44lbs!!! I am still continuing my fitness journey and working towards losing 50 more pounds!"


    Schedule for your Flat Stomach Appointment Today

Seriously- Aren't You so tired of Struggling With
Kick strict diets to the curb, simply follow our loose guidelines to shrink your hips and flatten your belly and then our Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout will take care of the rest.

We'll show you how you can neutralize your stress hormones so you can lose fat in your sleep, especially in your trouble areas.

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout fuses cardio, weights, flexibility, plyometrics, muscle endurance, speed, agility and core exercises all into one workout.  You’ll spend way less time by burning fat, toning muscle and getting a flat stomach all at once.

You’ll never be bored or plateau because your workouts will always change.

Get ready to walk around feeling amazing in your “skinny” jeans.

So now that you know what our little fitness secret is, I’m going to make you an irresistible offer to get fit today.

I am so confident that you will love and rave about my Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout that I'm going to give you my get results 30 day money back guarantee.


Disclaimer: All success stories are factual. These stories are only factual because each person was consistent with the training and nutritional guideline given by the fitness trainer and each person worked effectively to achieve their goals.